Today is a very special day. Today when Josephine Butler walks through the door at Clairemont Communications, it will be different from the other times she’s walked through that door. That’s because this time she is no longer a hopeful job candidate. This time, she is Clairemont’s new account coordinator.
Do you remember your first day of your current job? How about your first job? Or your favorite job? Was it special? Did your new boss do something that put you at ease, made you feel welcome or was just super nice?
If so, I want to hear from you! Help me make this the BEST first day for Josie. And while you are here, feel free to congratulate Josie, share new job words of wisdom or tell us your favorite first day story.
In an upcoming post, I’ll share more about Josie and how she stood out above the other candidates to secure the job!