This may seem a little odd to you, but I can look back through my notebook and know my entire schedule and every little thing that I have done in my past week of work. A time entry log is usually a requirement at public relations agencies for keeping track of how much time you have spent on client work. I’m going to have to get used to writing down everything I do!
One thing I have noticed, though, is that keeping a time log has made me hyperaware of how much time it takes me to complete a task, and I’m much more accountable for my time management. I wish I had done this in college. I could have saved a lot time from procrastination!
For instance, if I’m writing a blog for a client and I see that it is taking me longer than it should, I can pick up the pace. Now I have it down to a science for how long certain tasks should take me, and I can force myself to stay within those time constraints. Another plus? I have the foresight to know that a project is taking more time than originally planned. This gives us an opportunity to provide the client with advance notice and make necessary adjustments to our schedules.
From what I have heard, formally entering time entries can be a huge hassle depending on what tracking program is used. At Clairemont, we use a program called Freckle, and so far, it has been convenient and easy to use. All I have to do is enter in the amount of time, the client name and some tags to describe and identify the project. I have never had to use another program besides Freckle, but apparently this is much easier. Plus, Freckle is cute and uses the prettiest colors, so why would you not want to use it?