For the past three years, Clairemont has had the honor of promoting and participating in one of the Triangle’s most anticipated holiday events of the season – Triangle Family Services’ Annual Gingerbread Benefit, the premier, vital fundraising event for the longstanding local nonprofit.
This year, marked not only the tenth anniversary of the Benefit, but also the 75th anniversary of Triangle Family Services, which provides programs to families in need in the Raleigh-Durham area in three key areas – financial stability, family safety and mental health services.
With 2012 marking prominent milestones for both the Benefit and Triangle Family Services, we knew that we wanted to make this year’s Annual Gingerbread Benefit bigger and better than any other.
Our plan? A detailed and strategic media relations campaign that would target news coverage in both regional and local publications. With gingerbread-themed media kits in tow, our work started this summer with our “Christmas in July” push to long-lead news outlets. Diligent pitching and coordination with our media contacts continued through the year and throughout the day of the actual event.
The result? Substantial coverage promoting the 10th Annual Gingerbread Benefit in leading publications like Southern Living Magazine, Our State Magazine, Carolina Parent Magazine and Philanthropy Journal, just to name a few.

Interested in hearing more? Check out some of the other coverage in the links included below:
Gingerbread houses and more for a good cause
The News & Observer
Entertainment Briefs
The Durham Herald Sun
Triangle Family Services Gingerbread Benefit
Cary Citizen
Gingerbread Benefit Feature
NBC 17 – My Carolina Today
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