Sydney, one of our stellar interns this semester (don’t worry, we will do a proper intro of everyone soon!), recently watched a PRSA webinar about marrying the power of public relations and branding. Well, what did she learn? Keep reading for all of the highlights!
Marketing never stays the same and neither do consumers. We are a long way away from the product-driven days of Henry Ford where you can have any color you want as long as it’s black. In the current market-driven economy, businesses are listening and developing strategies based on their consumers’ needs. And today, consumers want a long-term relationship and a deeper level of engagement that establishes a sense of trust and emotional connection with a brand.
That’s where public relations professionals come into the mix—whether its utilizing social media, blogging or traditional media tactics, we help tell a brand’s story and encourage a two-way conversation that will bring value-based ideas to the table and integrate seamlessly into an organization’s larger marketing communications plan.
To be relevant to the value-driven consumer, brands must:
1. Talk the talk and walk the walk. The post-recession consumer is not one that wants to be sold to, but one that wants meaningful interaction with a brand. In order to speak to the new value-driven consumer, brands must put purpose behind their products and personify its brand in a way that is authentic. This means brands can’t just talk the talk, but they must walk the walk in order to be successful. Through blogging and various social media channels, brands can connect and engage with consumers on a personal level and build more meaningful long-term relationships.
2. Get emotional. Consumers want to establish an emotional connection with a brand. Where brand values and consumer values intersect are shared values, and when these shared values are successfully tapped into, emotional connection ensues, which builds the loyalty, creates the engagement and ultimately drives the sell that every marketer wants. Blogging is one opportunity out of many that brands can use to show its personality and communicate with its consumers in a more emotional, personal way.
3. Create a culture that is inviting. Tony Hseih, CEO of Zappos, lives by the motto, “Your culture is your brand.” Put your culture out there and it will become an integral part of your brand to the value-driven consumer, who is often not only purchasing your product but also the idea of your brand.
Interested in hearing more? Check out the full webinar here. Have any tips to add to this list? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section!
Hi Frank! I completely agree that the company culture affects the passion an individual has for his or her job. Tony Hseih, the ceo of Zappos, is the master of this! I read his book “Delivering Happiness,” which was all about the culture at Zappos, and it was fabulous. You can tell everyone there genuinely enjoys their job because of the workplace culture. Zappos is a great example for any company looking to build more of a culture.
I like it — “Your culture is your brand.” So many businesses pay lip service to culture. Culture isn’t a new fancy coffee machine. I think in a content marketing world, this is becoming more more important because passion often has a huge part of success. And it’s hard to fake the funk.