There’s no better way to celebrate your first anniversary than with 300 of your closest friends…and 300 of your favorite donuts!
Clairemont client Vita Vite, a wine bar and art gallery in the downtown Warehouse District, has grown to be one of Raleigh’s favorite hotspots in just 12 months. On December 9, 2016, Lindsay Rice, owner of Vita Vite, gathered friends and fans to celebrate her first year in business. Guests snapped snazzy pics in the holiday-themed photo booth and toasted with Lindsay’s hand-selected wines while being serenaded by Old Habits.
But no standard birthday cake for this celebration! Lindsay and her team designed a custom wall bedecked with hundreds of Rise Donuts creations! From double chocolate to eggnog, Lindsay’s donut wall was a party hit, the perfect blend of fun, flavor and flourish.
Congratulations to Lindsay and her team for an incredible first year! Check out the creative fun we had with her grand opening in 2015!