If you’ve been following our blog this week, then you’ve been finding out easy ways to score points for the Best Buddy Contest. Our client Briar Chapel, the Triangle’s largest green community, is hosting the contest in hopes of rewarding fans for their engagement across a variety of social media platforms including Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Foursquare and YouTube. What’s in it for you? A Buddy Scooter!

With the emergence of smartphones came the emergence of location-based social networking sites like Foursquare, our very favorite of the bunch. By downloading the Foursquare app on your phone (it’s free) and checking into locations when you’re on site, you have the opportunity to score even more points for Briar Chapel’s Best Buddy Contest! Here’s how:
10 pts: Check in at one of the designated Briar Chapel locations. Examples are:
- Briar Chapel Info Center
- Bark Park
- The Briar Club at Briar Chapel
- Briar Patch (community garden)
- Homes by Dickerson Model Home
Remember to keep your eyes peeled. Each week, Briar Chapel will announce additional point opportunities around the community and the surrounding area. Where will they ask you to check in next?
Stay tuned…