The better question is, “How is juggling NOT like managing a PR agency?”
When I was in Austin in January for a planning session for our upcoming PRSA’s Counselors Academy Conference, I took some time to walk around and enjoy the weirdness the city is known to embrace. As I watched this amazing juggler, I thought about what it takes for PR agency owners and leaders to keep all the balls in the air each day. It’s no cake walk!
Fortunately, there’s Counselors Academy to help you hone your juggling skills. First, let me say that it is the relationships I’ve made through this organization that are the biggest asset to me in running an agency. I depend on my Counselors Academy friends on a weekly (sometimes daily!) basis for support, advice and in-market support throughout the year. The fact that Counselors is part of my world year-round makes the annual conference so exciting!
It’s so wonderful to get to see my trusted colleagues in person AND to meet each new attendee who shows up as a newbie only to walk away as “one of the group” just a few days later. We gather to learn how to better our teams, our client work and our businesses through sessions like “Building the Best Place to Work” by Starr Baker and Kelly Womer, “Transforming Your Agency: How Change Inspires Creativity” by Indra Gardiner and “Managing Your PR Agency as a Business” by Darryl Salerno.
Anyone juggling the management of teams, clients, new business and other aspects of a PR agency should consider attending this year’s conference in Austin, June 9 – 11. If you have questions about the conference, feel free to leave them in the comments section or email me direct at or ring my mobile at 615-294-1886. Hope to see you there!