How many of you start each day with a fresh cup of coffee? From time to time, I surely do. And my favorite place to get it? At Marbles Kids Museum, where they serve up delicious cups of Larry’s Beans coffee on the daily. I love this coffee so much that I thought it would be a great topic for today’s Green Thought Thursday.
For those of you who’ve never heard of Larry or his beans, here’s the scoop: Larry, a Seattle transplant and coffee fanatic, began Larry’s Beans with the hopes of “making the world a better place.” With more than 30 yummy blends, including my personal favorite, the Cowboy Blend, this coffee isn’t just good – it’s green.
So what makes Larry’s Beans so green? When he started the company, Larry made a commitment to using sustainable practices. In what he calls a “green-o-vated” facility, Larry and his crew use passive solar construction, active solar systems, radiant floors, zoned heating, composting and rainwater harvesting to minimize environmental impact. And don’t forget the ultra cool packaging – what Larry likes to call the biobag (it’s biodegradable) – and that incredibly sexy delivery bus, the Veggie Bus, that runs on vegetable oil (be sure to look for it at downtown Raleigh’s upcoming Hopscotch Music Festival).
Why, Larry’s Beans are so green, the company has earned the title as a certified B Corporation (that’s code for awesomely green). How’s that for a little jolt of (green) energy to start your morning? Kudos to all of you awesome folks at Larry’s Beans, a Raleigh company that we love!
Larry’s Beans! I like Larry’s Beans! Do you like Larry’s Beans? Larry’s Beans! Larry’s Beans! Larry’s Beans! (What? You think I’ve had too much coffee?)
Larry’s Beans is one (of many) things I’d consider moving back to the Triangle for.
Thanks for the comment, Tyler! I am curious to hear some of your others….Locopops, maybe?