Whether it is your personal recycling system at home or part of a corporate sustainability initiative at work, hopefully you are thinking about ways to conserve energy and protect natural resources year-round. If not, St. Patrick’s Day is a great time to set as an annual reminder to go green, and today we are sharing 10 easy ways to be more eco-friendly.
10 easy ways to go green:
- Recycle!
- Start a compost or find a local composting service.
- Take care of the items you own and opt to repair them instead of throwing them away.
- Replace your typical single-use habits with a non-disposable option, such as reusable shopping bags, vegetable bags, water bottles and wool dryer balls.
- Refill your soap bottles at a local refillery.
- Walk, bike or carpool when possible.
- Turn off lights and unplug electronics when you are not using them.
- Don’t set your thermostat too high in the winter or too low in the summer.
- Be mindful of your water usage.
- Shop second hand.
Need more tips? Here are some helpful hints from our blog archives.
Go Green for St. Patrick’s Day: Easy ways to encourage green practices in business.
How To Recycle Magazines: This post from our early Clairemont days is still relevant! Instead of filling up your recycling bin, why not get creative and crafty?
Clairemont Client ESG Reports: For some serious corporate sustainability inspo, check out this post.