From time to time, the Clairemont team will read something that we just love. From newspapers to coffee mugs, it’s like falling in love with the English language all over again. Good copy is good copy. There’s just no getting around it, and there’s just no better way to say it. As connoisseurs of copy, we think it’s important to copy these said little blurbs of copy so that we can share them with you in a new series we’d like to call “Copy Cat.”
Today’s worthy copy – I found it on a Domino’s pizza box! The copy is part of Domino’s recent Pizza Proverbs promotion where there were tons of funny entries (see them for yourself here). The company’s favorites ended up on pizza boxes that are now delivered across the country. The proverb on my pizza box? “It’s all fun and games till someone loses an olive,” submitted by Kimberlee Hart of Phoenix, Arizona. Way to go Kimberlee! You’re a self-made copywriter worthy of our very first Copy Cat blog post!